'Living Nostradamus' says 2028 alien prediction 'confirmed' by new discovery


• Michel Desmarquet, a French author, claims to have been abducted by aliens in 1975 and taken to the planet Agartha, where he was shown visions of the future. Desmarquet believes that in 2028, Earth will be visited by extraterrestrial beings who will share advanced technology and knowledge with humanity, ushering in a new era of peace and prosperity.

• According to Desmarquet's account, the aliens from Agartha are highly evolved and possess advanced technology that can manipulate the fabric of reality. They are said to be concerned about the state of Earth and the well-being of its inhabitants, and they plan to intervene to help humanity overcome its current challenges.

• The article notes that Desmarquet's claims have not been verified and are considered fringe or pseudoscientific by many. However, some believers in the paranormal and alternative history theories have embraced his story, seeing it as a modern-day interpretation of the prophecies made by the famous 16th-century seer, Nostradamus.

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